What is rush (recruitment) ?

Our Rush period is held during the first month of each term (September and January). Events are held throughout the entire month that are specifically designed for potential new members to learn and engage through sisterhood activities, philanthropies, and social events. It is a time for sisters to get to know potential new members and for potential new members to get to know the sisters of Tau Sigma Phi. These events are not mandatory, but it is highly encouraged for potential new members to attend as many events as they can to get a deeper understanding of Greek life and to develop lasting and meaningful relationships with sisters.

What are the benefits of joining Tau Sigma Phi?

Being part of Tau Sigma Phi gives its sisters the opportunity to partake in leadership positions, community involvement (McMaster University's Relay for Life, CIBC Run for the Cure), academic excellence,  social activities (i.e, dinners, dances) and lastly, provides networking opportunities in the professional world. Tau Sigma Phi provides opportunities to make lifelong friendships through an unbreakable bond. Our sisters hold many memorable experiences that they cherish for life. Additionally, Tau Sigma Phi provides its sisters with professional and personal support systems within a smaller group of individuals in a larger university setting.

Is it difficult to balance Academics and Greek life?

Academics is one of the four pillars of Tau Sigma Phi, and is therefore taken very seriously. Sisters are provided with the necessary tools and outlets that will help them accomplish their academic goals throughout their time in university. Often times, you will find other sisters within the organization that are in the same program or same class. With proper time management skills and countless support from your sisters, Greek life and Academics is completely manageable. 

Can I still join even if I don't attend McMaster University?

Yes! Tau Sigma Phi - Beta Chapter accepts women from any post-secondary institution in Hamilton, Ontario. Whether you attend McMaster University or Mohawk College, we would love to meet you!

Do you haze?

Hazing is defined as "any act which endangers, or could reasonably be seen to endanger the mental or physical health or safety of a student, for the purpose of initiation, admission info, affiliation with, or as a condition for continued membership in a group or organization". Hazing does not depend on the individual's willingness to take part - although incoming members may consent to activities in the hopes of admission. Any act of hazing is still a violation of Tau Sigma Phi's Anti-Hazing Policy. All participants must be aware that everyone has different levels of comfort, and what is acceptable to one may be damaging to another. Tau Sigma Phi does not believe in or condone any activity or situation that may jeopardize a member or associated individual's well-being or personal safety. Tau Sigma Phi will not recklessly, intentionally or unintentionally endanger the mental or physical safety, create risk of injury, or cause discomfort, embarrassment, or harassment regardless of consent. All members or associated individuals will be treated equally in accordance with the morals and ideals of Tau Sigma Phi.

Is Tau Sigma Phi for me?

By joining Tau Sigma Phi, you may meet people you might not have otherwise and develop friendships with other women that will last a lifetime. Joining an organization is a life long commitment, giving members the opportunity to get involved with various events in their post-graduate lives. Our organization recognizes the importance of academics and encourages its members to excel in academia. Additionally, through experiences within the organization, members learn how to work as a team and gain valuable, transferable skills for the future. Tau Sigma Phi provides the opportunity for its members to explore their individuality, creativity, and form lasting bonds within the sorority and Greek Community. Tau Sigma Phi is a unique and diverse group of individuals who have come together following the same core values and goals as their Founding Mothers and Founding Sisters.